The Garden of Freedom ... as a framework for the Friedensmal

Chapter: Allegory / Garden of Freedom

Image: Framed by two angel wings, the Garden of Freedom surrounds the 26-meter large Friedensmal in its center, symbolizing the inner journey. At the border of the garden to the European long-distance hiking trail No. 8 (the path through the world), there is the Stone of Encounter with the inscription 'Yerushalayim' on the 'Side of Hope.' On its other side, the suffering of the past and present is addressed. Below it, a slate stone in the ground with the inscription "Where Dust Turns to Light" points towards the Friedensmal. On the entrance step of the Friedensmal, it reads: 'Recognize the Sacred Within and Around You.' As you walk around the circle of the Friedensmal, you always end up at the same point. You keep turning around yourself until you pause and step into the center, into the Tree of Life. There, in the center, you find the inscription "Chai," which is Hebrew and means "alive".

For a Culture of Freedom

Preface: The Garden of Freedom, representing a culture of freedom in Germany, frames the Friedensmal. This allows for contact with the environment, even where memorials today, due to their number and design language, already provoke resistance: we find a language with each other again. In the midst of the Garden of Freedom stands the Friedensmal, which as a central element encapsulates the diversity of themes addressed in this text. From the significance of the Friedensmal to the role of the Garden of Freedom, and the universal questions of freedom and responsibility – this text invites you to explore the various facets of the Friedensmal. In doing so, we will engage not only with its external design but also with the deeper meaning and spiritual backgrounds of this special place.

Freedom and Boundaries

This chapter explores the complex relationship between freedom and boundaries, and how they interact in the concept of the 'Garden of Freedom'. It explains what the German word 'Freiheit' originally meant and that the term was associated with love and protection. How are freedom and healthy boundaries interlinked? The inscription on the Stone of Encounter is explained, and how it invites the promotion of freedom and respect. It is shown how freedom and boundaries come together in a 'Garden of Freedom,' thereby creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and protection. Just as a physical garden, through its design and boundaries, creates a space for freedom, so too should our society, through the conscious shaping of its values and norms, enable a 'culture of freedom.'

What the word Freedom means

The word freedom in German originally had to do with love in terms of its meaning. People who were loved were given protection and the right to independence. This meant that even back then in the Germanic tribe among "the free", service was rendered out of love rather than due to compulsion. Interestingly, in the original understanding of the word, there was no contradiction to delimited spaces of protection and care; rather, they are connected with freedom. Here you will find a brief linguistic treatise on the word freedom. So what is necessary for a person to live freely and self-determinedly? What constitutes our mental and emotional prison?

Garden of Freedom with Friedensmal and Stone of Encounter

Eleven large stones in the Dark Ring of the Friedensmal symbolize the blockages and entanglements that stand between a person and their freedom on their life's journey to self. Those who are not free are identified with their entanglements, thereby contributing to the world being as it is today. The liberation from these entanglements is symbolized in the Friedensmal by the central element of the Tree of Life. (The roots of the 'Tree of Life' are in the earth and its branches in the sky. It thus connects heaven and earth, spirit and matter. This represents the enlightened human being in whose nature liberation towards life takes place.) Society, too, is trapped in its entanglements and must confront them.

"To be free means to be condemned to freedom." (Sartre)

Healthy Boundaries - The Inscription on the Stone of Encounter

'Yerushalayim - a call full of love for freedom for mankind. That we recognize the fences in our interactions and not seek our life in the past' - is the full inscription on the Stone of Encounter. It is a call of longing for freedom and peace, and for a respectful interaction among people. It means not being stuck in an ideology of boundlessness, where protected spaces that provide freedom dissolve. Boundaries are perceived and respected. Thus, we can come closer to each other in a feeling of security and good interaction. We overcome fences, without tearing them down.

New Fence in front of Jerusalem Friedensmal

Citizens from the village of Hochstädten visit the new memorial stone 'Yerushalayim.'

Europe Reclaiming Its Essence

This chapter explores the vision of freedom and peace in Europe from an expanded perspective. It reflects on the significance of the European peace project within the context of historical experiences and current challenges, emphasizing the need for a profound spiritual renewal beginning with each individual. It illustrates how the ideals of freedom and peace can radiate globally as individuals embark on their own internal journeys. The Friedensmal serves both as inspiration and a symbol for this personal transformation process, which is essential for a true societal renewal in Europe.

Europe's Vision for Peace

This site of freedom and peace along the European Long-Distance Path E8 symbolizes the unity of European peoples, reminding us that peace and freedom require active engagement. The 'European Peace Project,' born from the lessons of the 20th century's horrors, imparts a unique responsibility on German politics for peace and freedom both in Europe and globally. This responsibility includes promoting democratic values and the rule of law, advocating for human rights and minority protection, supporting European integration while preserving cultural diversity, and engaging in active peace policies and conflict prevention.

Meanwhile, it is critical to recognize the danger of a potentially totalitarian ideology of boundless unity imposed from above, which could trigger division and nationalism as a backlash. A healthier approach may lie in reflecting on the shared foundational values of European nations: human dignity, freedom and responsibility, democracy and rule of law, solidarity and subsidiarity, and cultural diversity along with unity in fundamental values.

A Path to Higher Consciousness

These values, deeply rooted in Europe’s Christian-Jewish heritage, form the historical foundation of European peoples. Yet today, Europe faces the challenge of a growing loss of these traditional beliefs and values. In this context, the future of Europe does not lie in attempting to preserve past forms or superficial adaptations, but in a deep spiritual renewal. As theologian Karl Rahner prophetically recognized: 'The Christian of the future will be a mystic, or he will not be at all.' This insight paves the way to a higher consciousness that transcends the limits of traditional religions while preserving and deepening their profoundest truths. It involves a spirituality not based on external laws and constraints, but on an inner ethic and direct experience of the Divine.

The Friedensmal symbolizes precisely this path: It represents a level of mysticism that stands above individual religions, thereby enabling true peace among them. Herein lies the opportunity for Europe to collectively grow into this higher consciousness, transcending old Christian belief systems without losing their essential values. This path does not mean overcoming, but rather deepening and liberating Christian values, leading to a more authentic, experience-based spirituality that empowers individuals to live in direct contact with the Divine. Thus, Europe can find a new unity in a higher dimension of consciousness based on its rich spiritual tradition.

On the Path of Freedom

Numerous admonishing memorials exist, yet this site of peace and freedom in the Geo-Naturpark Bergstraße-Odenwald represents a next step towards peace and healing. The monument is integrated into a natural hiking path, as life itself can be viewed as a journey. For peace and freedom, one must embark on the inner path. They are not found in the noise and importance of the world, but in inner peace and one’s own mental clarity. Yet, this has an impact on the world. Societies, like individuals, are always in flux. The Friedensmal in the Garden of Freedom serves as a reminder, but also as encouragement and a symbol for positive change towards freedom and light; towards life.

Morning Light - Jerusalem Friedensmal
The Friedensmal at the beginning of spring early in the morning.

UNESCO Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald

"He did not appear to Moses at Pharaoh's palace, but in the countryside by the side of the path.

Significant steps in understanding often occur in silence. For a monument with some aspiration, it does not always have to be the political capital, Berlin. Here, on the European long-distance hiking trail No. 8, one can find peace - beyond the terror of consumption and beyond the noise of the capital - to come into peace with oneself.

The Friedensmal is located in the Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald, on the edge of the path. For peace, one must set out on the journey… The large memorial stones and natural stone slabs in the Friedensmal are made of Odenwald quartz. This comes from the Borstein mine in Reichenbach, only 1.7 km away (26 walking minutes). There are only two quarries left where this rock, characteristic of the Odenwald, is extracted.

Short film with landscape images - Hike to the Friedensmal

Closing Words

We have explored the meaning of the Garden of Freedom and the Friedensmal and understand: The Garden of Freedom symbolizes a longing for connection, understanding, and freedom in a world often marked by separation and misunderstanding. It invites us to recognize and respect our own boundaries while overcoming the fences of mistrust and prejudice. The Garden of Freedom is thus not only a physical place but a symbol of the mental and societal space we must cultivate to create a true 'culture of freedom.'

The inscription on the
Stone of Encounter, 'Yerushalayim - a call full of love for freedom for mankind,' calls for a world where freedom and peace go hand in hand. It reminds us that true freedom does not lie in an ideology of boundlessness, but in the recognition and appreciation of healthy boundaries.

In the European and global perspectives, we have seen how important it is to learn from the past and commit to peace and freedom. The
Friedensmal, quietly situated amidst nature, reminds us that significant steps in understanding are often realized in silence. Here, we find tranquility and peace, beyond the terror of consumerism and city noise, to come to peace with ourselves and find the path 'with the light' into the 'light'.

May the
Garden of Freedom with the Friedensmal remind us that freedom and peace remain an illusion without connection, respect, and the recognition of boundaries. Let us work together towards a world where these ideals of freedom and peace become reality, and where it is possible for all people to live them, by embodying them in our daily lives and demonstrating them to others.

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