Circle of Peace for Change United for Peace and Freedom

Chapter: Friedensmal of Change / Circle of Peace

A Symbol of Inner Transformation as a Unifying Center

The Friedensmal (monument) embodies not merely a physical memorial, but a symbol of profound inner change. It stands at the heart of a spiritual network - the Circle of Peace for Change - shaped by individual and collective commitment to the ideals of peace and freedom. This network is defined not by membership rolls or organizational structures, but by the resonant connection of each individual to these universal principles.

A Vibrant Community of Diversity

Within the Circle of Peace for Change, we recognize the importance of broad acceptance of the Friedensmal as a communal symbol reflecting the diversity of the peace movement. We thus invite leading peace groups and initiatives to ideologically contribute to the process of meaning-making and networking. Their perspectives, desires, and concerns are crucial in shaping the Friedensmal into a true community project, where everyone can find reflection.

Art as a Mediator of Change

Art plays a pivotal role by reconnecting us to the values of beauty, truth, and goodness. These values are the foundation for a society built on deep human connection and mutual respect. The Friedensmal calls on each individual to actively champion these values, thereby supporting a movement that aims for external peace through internal transformation.

Invitation to Participate

We invite you to become part of this powerful vision of the Circle of Peace for Change. Your involvement signifies not an entry on a list, but a deeper ideological connection to the principles of peace and freedom as manifested in the Friedensmal. This connection allows every individual and group to find and follow their own path to peace - free from conflict-driven affiliations - and to make a communal impact in the world.

Promoting the Vision of Peace

To further this vision of peace, we will undertake various actions:

  • Public relations and awareness campaigns through public events.

  • Development of rituals and traditions that anchor the Friedensmal in cultural consciousness.

  • Provision of communication tools such as logos and templates to facilitate the integration of the symbol in public portrayal.

  • Together, we initiate a wave of inner transformation that brings peace and freedom to the world.

Please join our Telegram group if you wish to participate in the
Circle of Peace for Change.

Contact: E-Mail

Circle of Peace - Telegram Group

Continue the journey in the 'Friedensmal' chapter:

Philosophy - Discover the deep philosophy behind the Friedensmal: A path to reconciliation and spiritual unity, shaped by dialogue and inspiring art for peace.

Building Bridges - From the 'Jerusalem Friedensmal' and an apparent failure to the 'Friedensmal of Change' as a symbol of global healing and universal reconciliation.

Landing Page

Chapter 'Project: Introduction'

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