Circle of Peace for Change United for Peace and Freedom

Chapter: Friedensmal of Change / 'we'-Networking

An Idea in Stone as a Unifying Center

The Friedensmal is an idea of peace and freedom shaped in stone. It forms the core of a virtual network, the Circle of Peace for Change, connecting various communities that feel affiliated with this shared idea. Its physical presence as a monument creates a unifying center without the need for a leading figure. This decentralized concept lends stability to the network and allows the involved groups to focus on the common altruistic ideal, rather than acting out of individual self-interests.

Friedensmal is meant to be metaphorically surrounded by the Circle of Peace - a vibrant community of organizations and individuals dedicated to realizing this idea of peace and freedom. Culture, especially art, is seen as a driving force for a return to the values upon which a Germany of the 'Beautiful, True, and Good' can be re-founded. The idea of the Friedensmal encourages people to actively embrace these values, thus reflecting a movement aimed at deeper human connection and mutual respect. The Circle of Peace unites various communities with the shared objective of safeguarding, living, and promoting peace and freedom in the world.

We invite you to become part of this
Circle. Your participation means an active commitment to the fundamental values represented by the Friedensmal. As contributors to the Circle of Peace, you are not only informed about the latest developments at the Friedensmal and within the decentralized network but also significantly contribute to the development and spread of a powerful vision of peace. Together, we shape an ongoing process of change toward peace, born within ourselves.

Circle of Peace is a virtual network, not an association with obligations, necessary meetings, and dues. It is intended to be a new form of non-hierarchical organization for a new era, based on the voluntariness and independence of the participants. The goal is to unite the forces of like-minded individuals for peace in the network, without taking away their autonomy, character, and potential for growth. - Let us together initiate a powerful wave of change that carries peace and freedom into the world.

Contact: E-Mail

Circle of Peace - Telegram Group

Continue the journey in the 'Friedensmal' chapter:

Philosophy - Discover the deep philosophy behind the Friedensmal: A path to reconciliation and spiritual unity, shaped by dialogue and inspiring art for peace.

Building Bridges - From the 'Jerusalem Friedensmal' and an apparent failure to the 'Friedensmal of Change' as a symbol of global healing and universal reconciliation.

Landing Page

Chapter 'Project: Introduction'

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