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How you can find the place

The Friedensmal is located by the European long-distance path E8 in the Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald near Bensheim. Here, the Rhine-Neckar and Frankfurt metropolitan areas meet. The site is located around 50 km to the south of Frankfurt on Main, between the cities of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and Darmstadt.

Please enter 'Jerusalem Friedensmal' in Google Maps. This is the easiest way to find the Friedensmal (monument).

Driving by car

You can reach the monument on the shortest way from Bensheim district Hochstädten. You can find a spot for your car next to the tennis court on Weiherweg, 64625 Bensheim (Hochstädten). There are a rather limited number of parking spaces available here. It’s better, especially during events, to park at the "Hochstädter Haus" on Mühltalstraße 135. It’s situated only slightly further away from the tennis courts in Weiherweg, but you must first bear left at the top of the road and proceed through the forest to reach Weiherweg. You will reach the monument site after a short walk (uphill) of approx. 25 minutes.

Continue on Weiherweg for approx. 10 minutes until you reach the end of the road. A small gravel path continues onwards. Follow it for approx. 200 m until the path takes a sharp right. Continue for about 50 meters until you see the spruce trees on the left. Please don’t take the steep path that leads into the forest. It is not cleared and sometimes slippy. Simply take a left before the beginning of the forest, up the meadow. After a little while, you can already see the plateau of the
Friedensmal on top the hill.

For hikers

The Friedensmal is located between the points of interest Fürstenlager (Bensheim-Auerbach) and Felsenmeer (Reichenbach) up the hill from Bensheim-Hochstädten. From the Fürstenlager head towards Reichenbach. Shortly before the Selterswasserhäuschen (Seltzer Water House) you will find the monument. The site can also be reached easily from the Felsenmeer or the Naturfreundehaus (friends of nature house) near Reichenbach: From the Naturfreundehaus walk towards the Fürstenlager for approx. 30 minutes. You can use the coordinates listed below to find the monument site on your mobile phone, a navigation device and Google Earth.


64625 Bensheim-Hochstädten in Southern-Hesse / Geopark Bergstraße Odenwald, 62 km to the south of Frankfurt on Main, 45 km to the north of Heidelberg, 45 km to the east of Mannheim. Coordinates: 8E 39 47,83  * 49N 42 41,30

Google Maps:  Entry in the map

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