Reason and Love

Atheistic Humanism

Reason and Love - Humanistic Perspectives in Harmony with Peace

Initially, it was necessary to clarify whether atheism should be included in a symbol of interreligious reconciliation, as it explicitly renounces any deity in its name, which is usually the central element in religions. However, categorization is not that simple, as Buddhism is an atheistic religion yet is naturally included in interreligious dialogue. Reasons to include atheism are that atheism itself represents a belief, as the non-existence of God is a belief. Atheism also has ideals that are fervently revered by its followers, thus possessing a transcendental quality.

Atheistic humanism holds the view that reason and love are central pillars of a just and peaceful society. This worldview, which aspires to a world beyond religious dogmas, is touched upon by the 'Blossom of Life' in the Friedensmal. Harmonizing different aspects of life, as shown by the 'Blossom of Life,' is only possible through a balance of reason and love.

It is important to emphasize that atheism, while promoting rational thinking and universal love, is also subject to criticism. It could be argued that a worldview which recognizes no higher reality might risk overlooking important spiritual and ethical dimensions of human existence. This could limit humanity in its development and pursuit of deeper meaning.

Simultaneously, atheism acknowledges the significance of personal responsibility and self-determination, emphasizing the moral and ethical responsibility of the individual. Reason and love are seen here not as transcendent, but as humanly attainable ideals. However, it should be noted that an overemphasis on human reason can lead to arrogance, blinding one to the limits of human understanding and experience.

Friedensmal stands as a symbol for a world in which different worldviews and beliefs engage in dialogue. It represents the pursuit of a deeper understanding of our shared humanity, emphasizing the importance of empathy and interpersonal connection.

The link between atheistic humanism and the
Friedensmal lies in their shared vision of a world based on reason and ethics. Both approaches view the building of a peaceful world as an individual obligation and recognize that love and compassion, often associated with religious values, are equally essential for humanistic ethics.

This approach to the 'Blossom of Life' in the
Friedensmal shows a possible harmony between humanistic philosophy and the universal pursuit of peace, but with a critical awareness of the limits and challenges that both atheism and humanism bring. It invites reflection on how we can cultivate reason and love in a world enriched by both spiritual and secular perspectives.


zur 'Blüte des Lebens'

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